8/31/22 -- Tenants Harbor to Sebasco Harbor

                                         8/31/22 -- Tenants Harbor to Sebasco Harbor

            We got up late this morning, to a bit of fog and noticeably lighter wind. The NOAA forecast was still calling for 3 to 4-foot waves, but it just didn't seem that bad where we were, so we decided to head out and see what we'd find. I took the dinghy over to the boatyard office to tell them we would be leaving and get a refund on our second night mooring fee ($35), and we were underway at 11:30. The seas were a bit bouncy, but not that bad, and we kept pressing south and west down the coast while we figured out where we wanted to end up for the night. We decided on Sebasco Harbor, which we have visited many times while staying at MacMahan Island by riding over in a day boat. It is a well-protected harbor with moorings and a launch service and a nice restaurant. We pulled up to our mooring a bit after two. We showered on board, took the dinghy into dinner just after five, and sat up on the flybridge after we got back to the boat to watch the sunset.


            Here are some photos that we took underway. First is the Marshall Point Lighthouse at the entrance to Port Clyde Harbor, the next two show the headland and lighthouse at Pemaquid Point, and the last one shows the approach into Sebasco Harbor (with the resort complex on the right). If you look closely at the water in the Pemaquid photos, you can see the 2-3' swells that we dealt with when out in open water.


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