Today we prepared the boat for departure. The refrigerator is loaded with essentials, and the freezer has some meals that I prepared earlier. The refrigerator is not large, but we can easily restock along the way. The guest bunk is packed with our clothes and extra paper products. It all fit very nicely. We found plastic bins work well for clothes. Lids keep out the moisture and they can be stacked. We rolled our clothes, so we were able to bring more than we initially thought we'd be able to. John put some hooks in the guest bunk area for our life jackets and down vests. Easy access for these items is handy. 

Our plan is to shove off at 0700. Sleep may not come easily tonight as we are both excited to begin this voyage.


  1. That picture where clothes are hung looks like a walk in closet. Do you plan on an overnight before St. Lucie?

    1. Yes, we spent the first night about 10 miles west of Morehaven at the Glades RV Resort.

  2. May the skies be blue and the water smooth. May you meet wonderful people along the way and have interesting tales to tell on your return. We look forward to hearing them. Bon Voyage Rick and Freda

  3. This is awesome! Safe travels …. We all appreciate you taking us along with you. I have one request though and others might enjoy as well. Give us a periodic entry that both of you recap the same day so we can compare! Love you both! Safe travels, we will see you in July ❤️

    1. Didn’t mean to be anonymous …. Guess I need to figure this out! It’s Kim P 🌸

  4. Are those plastic boxes full of Boat shoes. 😂

    1. We enjoyed hearing some of the details it took to prepare to embark on this amazing journey. Thanks for sharing. Be safe.
      Terry and Barb

  5. Just figured out how to bookmark your blog. Sooo impressed with your blogging skills. Now let’s hope your sailing acumen is stellar also. Hope all is good.

  6. So excited for you and John!! So fun that we get to journey along with you and enjoy your fun from afar. Take care until next time xo

  7. Bon voyage! Have a great trip!


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