8/30/22 -- Rockland to Tenants Harbor

                                            8/30/22 -- Rockland to Tenants Harbor

            This was another shortened boating day, this time because of weather. The forecast called for a strong wind out of the SW, and it was blowing that way all night, but the wind wasn't that bad early in the morning, so we weren't sure what sort of seas we'd encounter. I asked the diver and he said we'd be fine as far as Whitehead Light, at which point we'd face open ocean and would then find out what we'd be facing for the rest of the day, given that we'd be working our way west and south along the coast. He also said that if we didn't like the seas, we could duck into Tenants Harbor, which was only a few miles past Whitehead Light and is very well-protected. We got underway at 7:40 and when we rounded Whitehead Light about 45 minutes later, we quickly decided that we didn't like the seas and so we ducked into Tenants Harbor and picked up a mooring from the local boatyard. Here is a view of the harbor from our mooring:

And here are two views of us at our mooring:


            Tenants Harbor turned out to be a nice place to spend a weather day. There is a good general store and a couple restaurants, and the harbor has a classic mix of lobster boats and recreational boats (mainly sail) hanging on moorings -- but no marina or fuel dock. We took the dinghy in and walked to the general store to buy a couple things. We had lunch and dinner on the boat, as we'd been planning to anchor out for the night -- however far we could get. The boatyard's Wi-Fi signal was good enough for us to do blog and other email work, and we read and did puzzles and made some phone calls, and the day passed remarkably fast -- all of it spent on the boat moored in the harbor. Very pleasant. Late in the day we fired up the generator to heat water for showers and to run the microwave to cook Stouffer's frozen lasagna for dinner (one of our anchorage favorites!), accompanied by a salad from the general store, a loaf of bread carried all the way from the Eastport IGA, and a nice bottle of chianti. A true feast when on a mooring. 


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