DAY 37 -- HAVRE DE GRACE, MD TO CAPE MAY, NJ

            We got underway at nine because we had a long day ahead of us, running 95 miles to a marina in Cape May. The weather was sunny and clear with a light wind out of the north, so it was a good day for boating. It was also a long day, as we pulled into the marina fuel dock at four. And it was an interesting day, as we experienced a variety of waters -- the far upper reaches of the Chesapeake, the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, the Delaware River and Bay, and the Cape May canal. Lots of pictures ensue...

            Here is the lighthouse at Turkey Point. The big bay at the mouth of the Susquehanna is left of this point and the tail end of the Chesapeake is to the right. 

             There were lots of beautiful big homes in the upper reaches of the Chesapeake, and also a really nice trailer park...

The C&D canal had some handsome bridges...

And some interesting work boats...

But unfortunately, we didn't get to pass any big commercial vessel transiting the canal, even though it is supposed to be the most intensely used canal in the country. 

            We did see a fair number of commercial vessels transiting Delaware Bay, but we were running down the east side of the bay in shallower water to save mileage, so we weren't close enough to get names or take good pictures. I now regret this decision, as I'm sure do our many readers who love seeing boat pictures. As consolation, here are pictures of the Salem nuclear power plant at the head of the Delaware Bay and one of the Cape May - Lewes ferry boats.

            After filling up with diesel and getting a pump-out, we left Craunological II at the South Jersey Marina and drove up to Dave and Sue's condo in Sea Isle City to spend the night. We had a great dinner at Mike's Seafood (established in 1911), then went back to their place to eat ice cream and watch the end of the Phillies-Braves game (which the Phillies lost).


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